Pre-Order Drabbledark III

Exciting news! Drabbledark III, an anthology of dark speculative fiction from Shacklebound books, is available for pre-order! This anthology contains my very first dark fantasy story “Sacrifice” alongside some amazing other drabbles by authors that I have long admired and am honored to share a table of contents with.

“Sacrifice” is about one man’s moment of truth when faced with a dire challenge and what it reveals about himself. When I first wrote it, it was actually a flash-length piece, but as I edited, I realized that most of what was happening in that format was superfluous. I wanted to hone in on the real meat of the story, which I decided to do by making it a drabble (100 words exactly). I hope you enjoy it and the many other tidbits of horror contained within the pages of this excellent anthology.

You can pre-order Drabbledark III at the link below. The anthology releases on Friday, March 29, 2024.

by Catherine Tavares

He waited to count the scream.